UNYAN Legislative Agenda 2021
- SUPPORT: Budget Update
The Medicare Part B Crossover and Supplemental Medicaid Payments for ambulance providers were not targeted in the Executive budget proposal for 2021-22. These funding mechanisms account for approximately $20 million in Medicaid funds for ambulance providers. Given the importance of ambulance service providers during the Covid-19 pandemic, we are grateful that these critical Medicaid funds remain part of the budget.
- SUPPORT: Direct Pay Legislation:
S3556 Breslin and A1309 Magnarelli
Would require insurers to send reimbursement checks directly to the ambulance service provider even if the patient is out-of-network. We are working with the sponsors to rectify languages differences in the bills surrounding the rate at which providers will be paid directly for ambulance service.
SUPPORT: Dual Signature Check Legislation:
S3550 Breslin / A1842 Pretlow
Would require dual signature checks issued in both the patient and providers names for out-of-network ambulance providers. Effort to eliminate abuse of patients keeping ambulance reimbursements.
SUPPORT: AOB for Direct Pay:
A866 Gottfried
Would require insurers to allow patients to assign benefits for direct pay to out of network emergency service providers.
- OPPOSE: Fire Dept. Billing – GML 209-b:
S1286 Brooks / A534 Jones
Allows for volunteer fire taxing districts to bill for EMS service. Would eliminate Medicare ALS Intercept benefit.
- SUPPORT: Community Paramedicine Legislation:
S1590 Rivera / A151 Gottfried
Would allow for EMS service collaboration in expanded non-emergency community based settings. Allows for improved patient access to healthcare.
- SUPPORT: Rural EMS Task Force:
A1561 Santabarbara/S3503 Hinchey
Study the challenges and seek long term solutions for rural EMS. Working with sponsors to reorganize this task force under DOH/BEMS instead of OFPC and to recommend task force membership. Supporting sponsors $50M budget ask for rural EMS task force and stabilization fund.